All toys and entertainments became bored, kids ask endless questions, and teens toil from boredom? Our English Club TV team knows how your children can spend time not only fun, but also usefully! And how you can get a little more break. At least 1 hour in the morning, afternoon and evening. Because exactly in this time our special kid’s block is on air. It consists of programs that allow learn English in a playful way. These are not just video lessons, they are exciting interactive programs – fairy tales, songs, hand-made tutorials and popular science. All with host by native speakers! The choice of topics is so diverse that every child will find something interesting. Kids from age 3 will be able to learn funny educational songs along with the fantastic characters of the Okey Dokey program. Junior and middle school students – practice preparing simple recipes with Yummy for Mummy. And teens will certainly be fascinated by experiments in the Magic science project. And all this in English, of course! You can watch English Club TV both on the air and by your tablets and smartphones. Ask our channel from your operator!