

Meet English Club TV on MIPCOM CANNES 2023 with brand-new channels package of the channels and content!

Friday, 13 October 2023

English Club TV Group, a global educational entertainment channel, is excited to announce its participation in the prestigious MIPCOM event in Cannes, France. And this year English Club TV has prepared brand-new channels!

English Club TV’s participation signifies the growing importance of educational and language-learning content in the global media landscape.

English Club TV boasts a vast library of engaging and interactive English language learning programs, catering to learners of all ages and proficiency levels. With a diverse range of content, including educational series, documentaries, and language courses, the channel has established itself as a valuable resource for learners worldwide.

“At English Club TV, we believe that learning English should be enjoyable and accessible to everyone,” said Andrew Semchenko, CEO of English Club TV. “We are excited to introduce on the MIPCOM our brand-new channels as a way to cater to the diverse interests of our audience and change the approach to learning: skills and selection are on the top now. LingoToons, TinyTeen and LangLab will be able not only provide the new target groups among the audiences but also will give the opportunity to create new ways of monetization specially for OTT companies. These channels represent a new era of entertainment, offering viewers a wide range of options to enjoy high-quality content that aligns with their passions and preferences.”

As the world becomes more interconnected, the demand for English language skills continues to grow. English Club TV’s presence at MIPCOM highlights its dedication to supporting language learners worldwide, helping them achieve their personal and professional goals.

For media inquiries or to schedule a meeting with English Club TV representatives at MIPCOM, please contact Ms Luisa Brendel, Regional Director of English Club TV Group: distribution@english-club.tv

About English Club TV Group:
English Club TV Group is a global leader of production and distribution educational channels for ENglish language learning that deliver engaging English language learning content to viewers around the world. With a diverse range of programs catering to learners of all ages and proficiency levels, English Club TV is dedicated to making language learning accessible, enjoyable, and effective. English Club TV Group operates under the brands English Club TV, TinyTeen, LingoToons, LangLab, English Club TV Global, lab.english-club.tv, english-club.tv.

For more information about English Club TV, please visit https://english-club.tv/.